DO or DIY is a freeform sound art radio show broadcast weekly by Vicki Bennett (project name People Like Us) on WFMU. The philosophy behind the show is simple. That within the realms of avant-garde and experimental sound art the goalposts defining "accessible" and "inaccessible" are constantly moving. As the radar rises and dips, fragments and shards of underground creations unearth, and popular culture and artist resonate, shifting shapes accordingly with one another in reflections of changing spotlights. The avant-garde and popular culture rely on each other's energy.
People Like Us collage both "hard to listen" works and popular listening matter, showing that in fact, beyond the restrictions of genre, genre IS the restriction and it is possible to like many kinds of art and music. The key is finding the door - DO or DIY leads the way into new and unusual realms of listening and hope to show the way in. Each show consists of collages made of sound works from the 20th and 21st century, often layered and looped many times over, resulting in an album type effect on each show.”.

Vicki Bennett

Since 1991 British artist Vicki Bennett has been working across the field of audio-visual collage, repurposing pre-existing footage to craft audio and video collages with an equally dark and witty take on popular culture. She sees collage as folk art sourced from the palette of contemporary media and technology, with all of the sharing and cross-referencing incumbent to a populist form. 

Using collage as a compositional tool, Vicki Bennett opens up endless opportunities to experience results that are more than the sum of the parts. Embedded in her work is the premise that all is interconnected and that claiming ownership of an “original” or isolated concept is both preposterous and redundant. 

In 2006 she was the first artist to be given unrestricted access to the entire BBC Archive. People Like Us have previously shown work at Tate Modern, Whitechapel Gallery, The Barbican, Centro de Cultura Digital, V&A, Sydney Opera House, Royal Albert Hall, Pompidou Centre, Venice Biennale, Maxxi and Sonar, and performed radio sessions for John Peel and Mixing It. The ongoing sound art radio show DO or DIY on WFMU has had over a million “listen again” downloads since 2003. 
Under the name “People Like Us”, artist Vicki Bennett has been making work available via CD, DVD and vinyl releases, radio broadcasts, concert appearances, gallery exhibits and online streaming and distribution since 1992. Most of the People Like Us back catalogue has been available for free on UbuWeb since 2002. 


Radio, as a heterogeneous mix of technological progress and aestheticised desire, goes far beyond being merely a medium of communication. This series of podcasts aims to highlight this fact, offering a selection within the wide variety of topics currently being explored, most notably the confluences and limits and the possibilities of dissemination and the presence of silenced histories.

Depending on the chosen historical and theoretical paradigm, multiple and even contradictory histories of radiophony can be constructed. Therefore, research starts from a general corpus of concepts which explore, along with a fascination with the medium, a utopian and unconventional treatment: the "Radio-Eye" and the Radio-Pravda manifesto of Dziga Vertov; the public interaction and communication of Bertolt Brecht; William Burroughs' cut-ups and communicative disruption; Velimir Khlebnikov's "The Radio of the Future"; and the concept "Radio Mind" by psychologist Upton Sinclair. As media theorist Allen S. Weiss states: “Radio is not a singular entity but rather a multitude of radios” and "radiophonia is a heterogeneous field encompassing diverse apparatus, practices, forms, and utopias”.

Opposite the canonisation of the field and radiophonic methods, there are people and collectives that opt to keep margins fluid and encourage participation, reflection and interaction through experimental approaches and applications. To invent and reinvent radio is to approach radiophonic space as a creative space. Thus, the series seeks to establish an open and fragmented dialogue with media artists, creators and thinkers on the relationship between radio, society, technology and experimentation through singular and idiosyncratic radio pieces.


Código copiado al portapapeles.
Agnès Pe

To José Luis Espejo for his careful listening

Creative Commons by-nc-nd 4.0

Audio quotes

DO or DIY by Vicki Bennett on Archives & Databases (C4 The Archive Project - Mindmap)

  • People Like Us. “Wet Sounds 4” in Wet Sounds - The Best Of All Things Particularly Avant Retard (2007)
  • People Like Us & Kenny G. “We don’t Know” in Bound and Gagged (2003)
  • People Like Us. “Guide to Broadcasting” in Early Radio Works Vol 1. Discrepant (2017)
  • Nurse With Wound. “It Just Ain’t So (Slight Return)” in A Sucked Orange. United Dairies (1989)
  • People Like Us. “Millenium Dome” in Thermos Explorer. Hot Air (2000)
  • People Like Us & Kenny G. “I’ve Got You” in Nothing Special (2003)
  • People Like US. “Dancing On Hot Coals” in A Special Free Download From People Like Us & Beware Of The Blog, Volume 2 (2008)
  • Vicki Bennett. “No One Is An Island” in WDR 3 Open Sounds. WDR (2016)
  • Vicki Bennet. “I Can Fly” in WDR 3 Open Sounds. WDR (2020)
  • People Like Us. “Tweety Takes A Holiday” in A Special Free Download From People Like Us & Beware Of The Blog, Volume 1 (2008)
  • People Like Us. “Awful fun Track 3” in Awful Fun - a DO or DIY free download (2009)