This popular songbook narrates the collective work of equipo1821 during the 2022–2023 edition, which revolved around folklore and its meaning and history, and ways of bringing it into the present so as to renew and resituate. The audio tracks on this album all stem from improvisations and reflections which surface within the context of the Museo Reina Sofía and its different spaces. With a design and guide by Atilio González and Elia Maqueda, both members of the music project Ruiseñora, equipo1821 took the opportunity to explore the voice, music publishing programmes and recording and vocal processing hardware, examining in more depth the art manual to shape renewed traditional symbols and to, in essence, think collectively about the meaning of popular music in the transmission of feelings and makings.

As well as these songs, the other experiments carried out in the programme included the creation of a collective laic Semana Santa procession with personal objects, a monster devised as a symbol of generational fears and the publication of a fanzine with song lyrics, accompanying a record in the form of a libretto. Moreover, there was a search for lyrics and concepts between the walls of the Museo and its exhibitions and Episodes, and also clapping to an amalgamated rhythm. In short, a community generated around folklore with no limits or nostalgia and more alive than ever. This selection of songs endeavours to be a symbol of the act of sharing that has been at the core of the project, and we invite listeners, in a night-time gathering (al serano), to listen and sing to it with us.

Equipo1821 is a programme from the Communities section of the Museo’s Education Department and is geared towards young people between the ages of 18 and 21. During the 2022–2023 academic year it was made up of Ana Álvarez González, Héctor Blanco Ayllón, Luiza Brzozowiec, Manuel Camacho Mohedano, Rebeca Fernández del Campo, Uxue Lotero Torres, Ana Isla, Clara Martínez Ramos, Sol Muñoz-Baroja, Zoe Pellerin Le Galo, Lúa Peña de La Casa, Camila Petschek Warnken, Nacho Téigell Tobar and Carmen Rodríguez Conesa.

Ruiseñora is a music project, founded in 2016 by Atilio González and Elia Maqueda, which delves deeper into the combination of tradition and avant-garde, poetry and electronic music. Throughout their ongoing research — which they call “popular psychodelia” — they have released: two albums, Siglo XX (self-released, 2016) and Relente (Raso Estudio, 2019), two EPs, La Jara (Raso Estudio, 2021) and Palmerita (Raso Estudio, 2023), and different singles, as well as collaborating with other artists such as Le Parody and Califato ¾. 



Código copiado al portapapeles.

To all those who have been part of Al Serano in one way or another.

Studio voice recordings:
Ana Álvarez González, Manuel Camacho Mohedano, Rebeca Fernández del Campo, Atilio González, Ana Isla, Uxue Lotero Torres, Elia Maqueda, Clara Martínez Ramos, Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca, Lúa Peña de la Casa, Carmen Rodríguez Conesa and Nacho Téigell Tobar
Violins on Verdial de lo cotidiano
Nacho Téigell Tobar
Live session participants:
equipo1821. Al serano (improvised lyrics, voices and claps on Verdial de lo cotidiano, Seguiriya del fracaso, No madrugaría tanto y Villancico1521), equipo1517. FOMO (improvised lyrics and voices on Villancico1521), Antonio Ferreira (Villancico1521), Buenatarde (recording and production on Verdial de lo cotidiano), Le Parody (recording and production on No madrugaría tanto) and Ruiseñora
Curator and accompaniment:
Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca
Design, production and accompaniment:
Ruiseñora (Atilio González and Elia Maqueda)
Recording, production, mixing and mastering:
Atilio González (with the participation of Cármen Rodríguez Conesa in Procesión del Santo Serano)
Creative Commons by-nc-sa 4.0

Additional Material