Full Cycle of Songs is a piece centred around different data accumulation formats and their effects on daily life and memory. As a point of departure, this podcast uses a series of audio archives comprising the collection of Latvian Folksongs from the National Library of Latvia, songs which are heavily processed and mixed with the voice of artist and poet Jelena Glazova, the creator of this piece.

The selection of Folksongs, chosen expressly because of their age (they date back to 1927), reflects the daily routines and stages of life of the performers. Thus, the piece Full Cycle of Songs refers to the number of songs, or song combinations, a person listens to throughout their life and how this personal universe can work equally as an expression of thought and collective experience.  

Jelena Glazova will also combine the sound work with a series of images under the title Erased Song/ Erased Landscape, which combines images containing fragments of daily life with television stills, thereby setting up a dialogue between traditional and modern-day routines.

Jelena Glazova (Riga, Latvia) is a poet, sound artist and visual artist. Her multidisciplinary work in contemporary art melds text, images, sound and installation, with her experimental music swaying between drone and noise music and her pieces built with vocal processing. As a conceptual artist she uses the voice as both a source and as creative material, heavily altering it through different digital processes. Her sound work bears a relation to her poetry via different elements of the voice which express unpronounced parts of discourse. 

Glazova’s work has featured in an array of spaces, including Hamburger Bahnhof (Berlin), Art's Birthday (Stockholm), Vienna Art Week, to mention but a few. She is also the author of two poetry collections: Transfers (2013) and Plasma (2014).

Midcasting. Experiments in Radio is a project mounted to explore specific spaces in the field of sound which revolve around the Midstream encounters, a network formed by the Museo Reina Sofía, the european institute for progressive cultural policies (eipcp) and the Latvian Centre for Contemporary Art (LCCA), Latvia. This podcast is one such experiment – an invitation to listen to a medium of informative sound transmission with the capacity to generate a network, for instance the pieces displayed in You’ve got 1243 Unread Messages. The Last Generation Before the Internet. Their Lives, an exhibition organised in Riga by LCCA. 

The characteristics of this podcast mean it should be listened to through headphones or with a suitable amplification system.




Código copiado al portapapeles.
Jelena Glazova


Creative Commons by-nc-sa 4.0

Additional Material

Audio quotes