From 20 to 20000 hz refers to the frequency range of human hearing. Everything that can be heard in the world can also be remixed. As part of a special commission by Museo Reina Sofía Radio, Pablo Sanz has already composed 31 remixes since 2003 under this title. Pablo Sanz has dedicated himself to the exploration of different aspects of sound and audiovisual art from the remixes in From 20 to 20000 hz to VJing, field recording and installation. He is also a founding member of the and clusters. In these fields, sound is understood to be a phenomenological material, a means to reconfigure our conception of space and a tool to recover and establish a new aural culture.

Each piece in From 20 to 20000 hz is arranged around a theme onto which a number of works related to it are cast, many times losing the source reference and the author in the process. Often, it is only by reading the track list that the source of these references can be known. As with works with textual and visual references, From 20 to 20000 hz accentuates the hidden qualities of mixed works and establishes unusual relationships, but unlike them, sound does not only formulate new meanings accumulated in memory and melancholy, but also asserts a depth opposed to synthesis. This podcast in particular is organised on the order of a journey, a cartography almost completely based on phonographic records of uncommon or almost imperceptible listening points. The journey moves from the context of a tropical rainforest to the ocean, going deeper and deeper until it finally comes to the last stage of the geological journey. This is not about carrying the world, but rather about listening to it.


Código copiado al portapapeles.
Pablo Sanz
Creative Commons by-nc-sa 4.0

Audio quotes

- Toshiya Tsunoda – Recorded Landscape: Pier – Untitled, 2003, Bremsstrahlung

- Asher – Any Place Whatever – Audible Geography (VA), 2008, Room40

- Gordon Hempton – Outback Billibong / Red Sky – Earth´s Morning Song, 1995, Miramar Marc

- Namblard – Amours d'anoures et de rousserolles – Lorraine, ondes et lumières (Still water and lights), 2009, Chiff-Chaff

- Steven Feld – Galo, Afternoon – Rainforest Soundwalks, 2001, Earth Ear

- Bernie Krause – Amazon Days – Amazon Days, Amazon Nights, 1998, Miramar

- Yannick Dauby – 腹斑蛙 - Babina Adenopleura - Olive Frog – 蛙蛙哇!Songs Of The Frogs Of Taiwan Vol.1, 2009, Kalerne

- Artificial Memory Trace – Akvatikinsekt 1, 2010, Psy_clone Records Michael Prime –  Rafflesia – Borneo, 2007, Mycophile Records

- David Dunn – Chaos & The Emergent Mind Of The Pond – Angels And Insects, 1992, ¿What Next? Recordings Eric La Casa – Spirale 3 – W2, 2010, Herbal International

- Cheryl E. Leonard – Storm on Gamage Point – Chattermarks: Field Recordings from Palmer Station, Antarctica, 2010, Great Hoary

- Marmot Music Lasse-Marc Riek – Habitats , 2010, 3LEAVES

- Chris Watson & BJ Nilsen – SIGWX – Storm, 2006, Touch

- Mark Peter Wright – Inanimate Life , 2010, 3LEAVES

- Jana Winderen – Aquaculture – Energy Field, 2010, Touch

- Douglas Quin – 77o 37' S 165o 48' E – Fathom, 2010, Taiga Records

- Andreas Bick – Fire Pattern – Fire and Frost Pattern, 2010, Gruenrekorder

- Bruno Moreigne – Drop Collisions Near 45°47'12N / 2°02’07E , 2011, Kaon

- Tectonic – M6.5/M5.4, off the east coast of Honshu , Japan, Fri March 11, 2011,

- John Duncan – The Nazca Transmissions , 2009, Alga Marghen Jacob Kirkegaard – Gaea – Eldfjall, 2005, Touch